Sunday, April 5, 2015

Japanese Souffle Cheesecake

Traditional baked cheesecake or Japanese Souffle cheesecake? I was deliberating between which of the 2 to bake for my mother's birthday celebration. The traditional one is more full-flavoured and richer, which will mean bad news for those watching their waistlines and cholesterol level. The Japanese version is lighter and milder, which is just fabulous for the health conscious with a sweet tooth. But I do know of friends who love cheesecake will only stand by the traditional baked cheesecake. In the end, I decided to go with the light Japanese version.

This is the second time I attempted Japanese souffle cheesecake. To ensure a more successful and beautiful cake than my first attempt, I searched the internet for more tips and recipes. And the post by Dr Leslie Tay from caught my eye. The post is extremely good. He wrote about his experiment with baking the cheesecake with lots of tips on how to bake the cake at the right temperature with the right duration. It has a video showing you how to make and bake the cake. A must go-to site for those who want to bake a beautiful and delicious Japanese cheesecake. Thank you Dr Leslie Tay for the sharing.

I tweaked the recipe to bake a Japanese marble cheesecake and it turned out beautifully. The cake stood tall after cooling and unmoulding. I was pleased with the marbling effect. And most important of all, the texture was soft and fine and the cake tasted yummy. The cake was frosted beautifully with fresh whipped cream and fruits with help from my daughter. Not only does it taste good,  it looked so beautiful too.

Marble Japanese Souffle Cheesecake (Adapted from


200g cream cheese (Philadelphia cream cheese block)
5 egg yolks
56g caster sugar
48g unsalted butter
80g fresh whole milk
3/4 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
48g cake flour
16g corn flour
1/4 tsp salt
1.5 tsp vanilla extract

20g cocoa powder

5 egg whites
60g caster sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Line a 7" X 3" round cake tin with parchment paper.  Grease and coat the bottom and sides with baking spray with flour.
Place the rack at the bottom third of the oven and pre-heat oven at 200 degree celsius, top and bottom heat.

1. Melt the butter and fresh milk over a pot of simmering hot water. Or place it into a microwave oven.
2. Place the cream cheese in a heatproof mixing bowl and cut it into small pieces. Whisk it over a pot of simmering hot water, until smooth and creamy.
3. Add in the yolks, one at a time, and whisk until incorporated.
4. Add in the 56g sugar and whisk until incorporated.
5. Pour in the melted butter and fresh milk mixture .
6. Add in the salt, vanilla extract, lemon juice and lemon zest. Whisk until incorporated. Remove from water bath.
7. In a stand mixer, whisk the egg whites on low speed until foamy.
8. Add in the cream of tartar and beat at high speed until bubbles become very small.
9. Add in the 60g sugar gradually and whisk until soft peaks form.
10. Sift the cake flour and corn flour over the cream cheese mixture. Fold the flour into the mixture gently until incorporated. Do this gently. Do not overmix to prevent tough cake.
11. Spoon 1/3 of the egg white batter into the cream cheese batter. Fold the egg white batter gently into the cream cheese mixture until incorporated. Do the same for the next two 1/3 of egg white batter.
12. Spoon some of the batter (about 3/4 cup) into the bowl of cocoa powder. Blend the mixture thoroughly.
13. Spoon 1/3 of the batter into the baking tin. Drizzle 1/3 of the cocoa mixture over the white batter. Use a chopstick to create some swirls.
14. Repeat the above step 2 more times until the batter is used up.
15. Tap the baking tin on the counter top to release the air bubbles.
16. Place the baking tin into a a bigger baking pan filled with hot water up to 1" in height.
17. Place the baking pan and tin on the bottom most rack of the oven. Bake for 18 min. Lower temperature to 160 degree celsius and bake for 12 min. Turn off the oven and leave the cake in the closed oven for 30 minutes. Open the oven door slightly at the end of the baking for 10 minutes for the cake to cool.
18. Remove the cake from the oven and unmould it immediately. Let it cool on a rack right side up.

Fresh Whipped Cream frosting

232g heavy cream
14g powdered sugar
1 tsp gelatin powder

1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  1. Add the gelatin powder, powdered sugar and 58g of heavy cream into a saucepan.
  2. Bring the mixture to just a boil, stirring constantly. It will thicken slightly.
  3. Scrape the mixture into a small bowl to cool to room temperature.
  4. In a chilled mixing bowl, whip the remaining cream just until traces of the beater marks begin to show. Add the cooled gelatin mixture in a steady stream, beating constantly. Whip just until stiff peaks form when the beater is raised.

This is what the cake looked like without the frosting. Look at how tall it stood.

I baked another small one with a picture of Hello Kitty (sorry for the not so nice drawing) piped on it.

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