Friday, November 9, 2012

Petit Choc Gâteau

The year-end school holiday is here. Hooray! It's one of my favourite time of the year. Do not have to send the kids to school and no homework and exam stress. Time to relax, take it easy and enjoy the holidays. A group of parents from Ryan's class have organised a BBQ at Aloha Loyang Resort. The boys and their families and teachers will be there. It's gonna be fun. Hope the weather will brighten up. It's very dark, cloudy and thundery as I blog.

Holiday means I have more time to indulge in baking and sharing them with family and friends. I have actually wanted to bake a big chocolate fudge cake to celebrate the boys graduating from P6. But I decided on mini ones as they can just finish it in one mouthful. No cutting and no mess. They can help themselves without adults serving them. What's more, I can decorate each piece differently and they can have a choice which one they want. Mini cakes do look pretty and tempting. Don't you agree? I love to see the dessert section of a buffet and be enthralled by the beautiful display of the various mouth-watering petit gâteau and entremets.

I used the recipe from my Chocolate Banana Fudge cake to make these little squares. I baked it in a 1.5" square baking pan and topped it with chocolate ganache before cutting into small squares. They are then individually decorated with pistachios, pecans and rainbow sprinkles. Now, they are all ready to be savoured. Bon appetit.


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