Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese Reunion Dinner 2011

Bunny hop, hop to the lunar year of the Rabbit. It's feasting time again with my parents and brother, my sister and her family and my family. This year, I decided not to prepare steamboat. Instead, I whipped up a feast. On the menu were coffee pork, my mum's speciality - "ngoh hiang", braised mushroom (got this recipe from my friend Christine) with broccoli, steam pomfret, steam prawns and stir-fried leek with beancurd and button mushroom. Preparation work started the night before and ended just before dinner started. What a long day! But it's all worth it. This is the first time I have cooked so many dishes at one go. Must give myself a pat on the shoulder for a job well done. Haha .....

Coffee Pork
Got this coffee pork recipe from watching the Chinese 三菜一汤 cooking show. It's pretty simple to prepare and yummy ..... 

Braised mushroom with broccoli
What is Chinese New Year feast without abalone and fatt choy? Got this scrumptious recipe from my golfing buddy, Christine. However, I omitted the dried oyster as I don't like the taste. This dish can be cooked earlier as it takes two hours to simmer the braised mushroom, dried scallop and pork belly.

Teochew steam pomfret

Stir fried leek with beancurd and button mushrooms
My mum told me I have to include leek as a dish as eating leek during lunar new year means having lots of money to count that year. I don't eat leek and have never cooked one. So it's a challenge for me. In the end, I decided to just stir fry it with panfried firm beancurd. I happen to have lots of button mushrooms which are going to rot soon if I don't cook it. So I just added them to the dish. This simple dish turned out to be yummy and I love it. Everyone, including my mum, gives me the thumbs up.
My brother, nephew and niece, and my son Ryan
My parents and hubby enjoying the feast

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