Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chocolate in Orange Swiss Meringue Buttercream

I do not normally use buttercream to frost a cake. I find it a little too rich and sinful - no good for the heart other than giving you the extra kilos. But there is no refrigerator to store the cake at my cell meeting venue. Out goes fresh cream frosting. I wanted a fruit-flavoured theme cake. This cake is to celebrate the birthday of April babies in my cell group - Janet and Ching Sum.

Chocolate Fruit Tart

I'm back baking again after taking a long break from the non-stop Chinese New Year baking. Chinese New Year was a busy and hectic period of cleaning, baking and eating. I'm so glad it's over. It is my mum's birthday and it's definitely a great reason to bake something for her. I wanted to do something I've never tried before - shortcrust pastry.