Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dora Awfully Chocolate Cake

This cake is especially for my cell group friend, Agnes's darling, Alaina's fourth birthday. Alaina loves everything about Dora. Agnes passed me her favourite Dora figurines to be put onto the cake. They are so cute, aren't they? I have actually planned to pipe a Dora face onto the cake and have downloaded the picture from the internet. Alas, my plan didn't come true as I had a very busy national day week starting from baking cookies for my son's class party to preparing "popiah" feast on National Day itself.

National Day Cookies Party

It's Singapore's 46th birthday. I made two batches of cookies for Ryan to bring to his class party. On top of these cookies, Ryan included two packets of corn chips. He wanted me to melt some cheddar cheese to go with the chips. Unfortunately, the melted cheese hardened into one big lump upon cooling. So how? Forget about the cheese. The boys just have to eat the chips without the cheese dip. After dropping him off at school in the morning, some of the other mummies and I had our very own breakfast party at Bishan Park MacDonald. We had a wonderful time catching up on what our boys were doing in class.